Jade Mountain
Taiwan Travels
In October 2021 Levent and I travelled to Taiwan for almost two years, a small-ish island just off the coast of China, forming part of an island chain running between Japan and the Philippines. We had grand plans of exploring South East Asia, but because of the pandemic, quarantine and subsequent hike in flight costs, …
Taipei to Kaohsiung Kaohsiung to Taitung Taitung to Hualien Yilan to Taipei
Taroko Gorge
Risk, Platform Labour and the Pandemic
As part of a seminar on political ecology I took, I spent some time reading about and thinking about Covid-19, platform labour and risk. I went down quite a few research rabbit holes, particularly about zoonoses (diseases jumping from animals to humans, or, I guess, vice versa) and the development of the HIV/Aids pandemic in …