A series of documentary TV shows from Adam Curtis focused on the disillusionment with revolution or even reform of society in the West in the 20th Century, leading to the adoption of grand narratives of humans as machines and machines as humans, existing in a cybernetic ecosystem, stable and resistent to change. Curtis’ criticism of the ecosystem meta-narrative is fascinating, particularly with regard to current trends in organisational development (self-managing/self administering organisations, “evolutionary purpose”).
Adam Buxton recently published an interview with Curtis here, which was similarly fascinating, including his prediction that we are about to enter an age of high romanticism to escape the frigid terror of the materialist, individualist automated and all-encompassing cybernetic future. As always the films feature Curtis’ unmistakable bricolage style, sometimes unbelievable clips from the BBC archive and a fantastic disco, drum & base and pop soundtrack. Really liked his description of his work as ‘trying to work out which bits we are missing about our current cultural era’.
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace Episode 1